Whole School Attendance Target – 97%
Attendance matters. We know that there is a link between good attendance in school and children who thrive socially, emotionally and in their learning.
Every day in school can make a difference to a child’s future. it develops good habits, resilience and happy children. Good attendance in school is vital.
At St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, Buckfast, we aim to ensure that all children receive an education that maximises their opportunities to reach their full potential. We work hard to provide a welcoming and caring learning environment where every member of the school community feels valued.

Promoting Good Attendance
We want every child to thrive in a safe, happy, respectful place to learn. if your child is not feeling positive about coming to school our staff team will work with families to improve this. We should all work together and ensure all children attend school every day that they can.
At St Mary's we run a positive reward scheme every week to celebrate and promote good attendance with each week awarding our School Attendance Bear for the class with the best attendance that week. This class will receive an extra play time. For the class that gain the best attendance each term, they will be rewarded with a class celebration of their choice (within reason) - such as mufti, or an in class party.
Every School Day Counts!
Good attendance is crucial for pupils to achieve their best. Every lesson matters, and catching up on missed school time can be challenging. The benefits of good attendance include:
- Higher academic achievement.
- Positive relationships with peers.
- Improved learning behaviours and self-confidence.
Being present also helps children feel more connected to their school community and better prepared for future success.

Punctuality Matters
Arriving on time is vital for your child’s learning and well-being.
- Gates open: 8:30 am.
- Classrooms: Children must be in their classrooms by 8:45 am.
- Late arrivals: After 8:45 am, children must be signed in at reception and will be marked as late
- Arrivals after 9:15 am will be marked as absent for the entire morning session and will affect your child's attendance.
- Afternoon Registration is 1:15 and this closes at 1:30. Please try to arrange appointments to avoid missing these times.
- Home time Collection is 3:15 for Early Years and KS1, and 3:30 for KS2 and KS1 with KS2 siblings.
- Late collection from 3:40 will be put into after school club and charged £7 for the first session and £12 if continues into the second session (ad hoc rates).
Why Punctuality Is Important:
- Missing the start of the day can disrupt learning and affect a child’s self-esteem.
- Entering a busy classroom late can leave children feeling embarrassed or unsettled.
- 5 minutes late daily = 3 days of learning lost annually.
- 15 minutes late daily am, when the register closes, will be marked as unauthorised absences.
If Your Child Is Unwell
We understand that children may occasionally be too unwell to attend school. If this happens, please notify the school office by 8:45 am on each day of their absence. Provide your child’s name, class, and the reason for their absence.
Guidance for Illnesses:
- Sickness/Diarrhoea: Keep your child at home for 48 hours after their last episode to reduce the risk of spreading illness.
- Contagious Illnesses: Follow your doctor’s advice and keep us informed. If your child has a temperature, they should remain at home until it has returned to normal.
- Minor Illnesses: For mild colds or slight unwellness, we encourage parents/carers to bring their child to school. Teachers will monitor them closely and contact you if symptoms worsen.
- Prescribed Medication: The school can administer medication if parents/carers complete a permission form, available from the school office.
For further advice, visit the NHS Guide: Should I Keep My Child Off School? A link can be found here.
Our office team is happy to assist with any queries regarding absences due to illness.
Holidays During Term Time
To ensure pupils receive a high-quality education, holidays during term time are not authorised.
- Absence Request Form: Complete this form (see below) for all planned absences.
- Exceptional Circumstances: Provide details for the Headteacher to review.
- Unauthorised Absences: These may result in fines or legal action by the Local Authority.
For more information, refer to our Attendance Policy -see below.
How St. Mary’s Communicates About Attendance
We keep parents/carers informed throughout the year:
- Termly Updates: Information on your child’s attendance rate.
- Attendance Concerns: Parents will receive a letter if their child’s attendance falls below 95%.
- Follow-Up Actions: Continued concerns may lead to a meeting with school staff, our Education Welfare Officer Marie Taylor (EWO), or the School Nurse to agree on an action plan.
At the start of each academic year and term, parents will also receive reminders about their legal responsibilities regarding term-time holidays and updates about school policies.
How Parents/Carers Can Support Attendance
- Report absences to the school office by 8:45 am.
- If your child seems reluctant to attend, contact the school promptly so we can help.
- Ensure your child arrives on time, prepared for the day with the correct uniform, homework, and equipment.
- Take an active interest in your child’s education by discussing their school day and celebrating achievements.
- Schedule medical and dental appointments outside school hours whenever possible.
- Attend any attendance meetings arranged by the school.
Appointments During the School Day
If your child needs to attend an appointment during school hours:
- Schedule appointments in the afternoon where possible.
- Return your child to school after their appointment to minimise missed learning.
Contact Us
Please inform the school office of absences as early as possible on each day of absence:
- Phone: 01364 642389
- Email: admin@st-marysrc.devon.sch.uk
Together, we can ensure your child achieves their full potential through regular and punctual attendance.